Your Holistic Pathway To Perinatal Wellness
Everything you need to know on your pathway to becoming a Perinatal Wellness CoachTM
This training is designed for the beginner or struggling community-based provider to hone in on the magic of cooperative practice. In this unique 12 weeks of training you will learn a specific set of skills that will help you:
*** Learn how to narrow your specific demographic
*** Learn how to practice from your authentic space
*** Learn how to become a social entrepreneur
*** Learn how to economically sustain your practice
*** Learn how to empower yourself and your community.
Being a community-based provider is more than just assisting families with childbirth. In this self-directed training, you learn how to provide fluid education for the specific needs of the childbearing community using our 4(P)+ Model of Care.
***This training is designed to enhance your work as a community-based care provider with a focus on full-spectrum perinatal health and wellness.
Your Instructor
RaShaunda Lugrand is a wife of 18 years and a mother of four male children. She began her self-apprenticed studies in 2008 and has learned many helpful techniques from various Master Practitioners. Her expertise is derived from a spiritual, non-medical background. As a student of Bio-Cultural Anthropology at Oregon State University, RaShaunda uses the discipline of Ethnography to develop her curriculum and training style. With a background in Neurolinguistics (NLP), and Hypnosis, she enjoys facilitating space for a deeper understanding of "cultural capital," and how language creates roadmaps to more progressive behaviors, beginning with reproductive health and wellness. She has focused her practice, with a holistic framework, by offering her support as a coach and self-help consultant in an online and offline environment for organizations, communities, and individuals in birth work.
Founder and director of The InTune Mother Society. RaShaunda is a multi-certified community-based, birth work practitioner. She holds 3 certifications in doula work, 3 breastfeeding certifications, 3 postpartum care provider certifications, a comfort measure specialist certification, 2 childbirth educator certifications, and 3 behavioral health and wellness certifications. She and her husband Melvin started working in the field of birth work in 2007 but informally created the company The InTune Mother, LLC in 2016. Their work advocates for capacity building, community organizing, safe birth, consciousness in conception, and childbirth, as well as parenting, and personal choice in birth, primarily homebirth. Her audience so far has been largely women and families of color seeking ideas that are holistic and progressive.
As a Licensed Holistic Educator and Trainer, she also focuses on Removing Barriers to Building Community Based Business Models by creating seasonal workshops for her online community.
The InTune Mother Society includes a partnership with Beehive Birth Consulting, where RaShaunda coaches and consults with her team of apprentices and staff, to support expecting families seeking Holistic Family Planning options. The education she provides must be inclusive of the male role in childbirth. Her husband Melvin is a dynamic force in The InTune Mother Society because he wants men to know that being the Father Figure in the childbearing process bridges the gap between the male-female relationship. Men need to be responsible for holding the sacred space that women need to give birth safely, empowered, and secure.
RaShaunda loves to facilitate training, classes, and workshops for aspiring birth workers and expectant families alike, with a primary focus on holistic approaches to self-directed perinatal health through healing justice practices and ancestral TEKnology Traditioanl Ecological Knowledge).